The concept of paying a monthly subscription for network equipment and firewalls appeals to many businesses. It is similar to how you and your customers pay for products and services in your personal lives. Whether it is making a car payment, or paying for your cable service and box, the idea of a recurring charge which includes “renting” out the equipment is ingrained into our culture.
By allowing your customers to pay monthly for services and equipment, you’ll be able to win more bids that are easier to fit into a customer’s monthly budget. You already offer Managed Services and Software as a Service to your customers, now you can expand that to include firewalls, network switches, and WiFi access points.
We Rent Technology will help you give your customers the ability to remain flexible and take advantage of the latest technology available. By partnering with us you will have the ability to provide up-to-date, affordable solutions to your customers, so that their business technology is always current, while also providing you with multiple recurring streams of revenue.